IJRU Elections / Comment Period


ACTION REQUEST – NGBs feedback to Ethics Panel regarding Board of Director Elections

·      NGBs comment period of the document, “General Congress Election Nomination and Election Procedure International Jump Rope Union”. 

·      Send comments toethics@ijru.sport  (optional- provide name and email address for possible feedback by the panel)

·      Comments will be accepted until 7 February 2023, (23:59 UTC) 

Background, Development of the IJRU Board of Directors

The initial members of the IJRU Board of Directors, BOD, known as the interim BOD, were chosen from the existing FISAC-IRSO and WJRF BOD’s who together constructed the first IJRU Constitution. This took place 4 October 2018 at their first retreat in Oslo fjord, Norway.  The first IJRU General Congress of 10 July 2019 held in Oslo fjord, Norway, ratified the interim BOD, hence the IJRU BOD’s. This BOD continues until successors are elected in 2023.    

Election Oversight

The IJRU Constitution and the Ethics Panel Charter give the IJRU Ethics Panel the responsible for overseeing the nominations and election procedures in IJRU.  To regulate and govern the election process of the members of the IJRU Board of Directors, BOD, the Ethics Panel has developed the “General Congress Election Nomination and Election Procedure International Jump Rope Union”.  The Ethics Panel presented this document to the IJRU BOD, 12 November 2022 where they proposed the “General Congress Election Nomination and Election Procedure International Jump Rope Union” be made available on the IJRU website for all member NGBs to access over a thirty-day period.  During this time, NGB’s will have the opportunity to provide feedback via ethics@ijru.sport. The Ethics Panel will consider comments received if those NGBs are in current with membership dues. (Up to date through 2022)

Forward growth

The first IJRU elections of members of the Board of Directors will take place prior to the 5th General Congress in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA in July 2023. The “General Congress Election Nomination and Election Procedure International Jump Rope Union” will provide the procedure by which the elections are held and managed with oversight by the IJRU Ethics Panel.