IJRU Judge Training is made possible by the Judge Infrastructure Initiative sponsored by Yuedong Jump


In order to provide a fair competitive environment for our athletes, we rely on well-trained judges at all levels of our sport. Are you interested in becoming an IJRU certified judge? To become a certified judge, you’ll have to complete a series of online training courses through the IJRU Learning Portal.

If you experience issues logging in, or run into other problems with the IJRU learning portal, please email tcom@ijru.sport

IJRU Judge Certification

You can become a judge in one or more of the following judging disciplines:

  • Speed

  • Presentation

  • Required Elements

  • Difficulty

IJRU has three levels of judging certification. In order to judge at the IJRU World Championships, you’ll need to be a Level 3 certified judge.

Level 1 Certification

To become a Level 1 certified judge, you will have to complete the online Judging Fundamentals course and online judge training course (each discipline has a separate online course). These courses are offered through the IJRU Learning Portal.

Level 2 certification

To become a Level 2 certified judge, you will have to complete the online Judging Fundamentals course, online judge training course and attend a live judge training. Live judge trainings can take place in-person or online with a certified IJRU judge clinician. Each judging discipline has a separate online course and live training course.

To maintain your Level 2 Certification, you need to complete at least 50% of the online continuing education courses that are released monthly through the IJRU Learning Portal.

Level 3 certification

To become a Level 3 certified judge, you will have to complete the online coursework for the chosen judge position, complete a live judge training, and pass the post-live training test (set to be released on April 1).

Attending a Live Training

If you are attending a live judge training, you have to:

  • Complete the online prerequisite courses through the IJRU Learning Portal

  • Create a Google account to access the training materials (unless otherwise specified by your judge clinician in advance)

  • Have access to an Android or iOS device with RopeScore Judging added to your homescreen

Request a Live Judge Training

Would you like to request a live judge training in your area? There are two ways to request a live judge training:

  1. Fill out and submit the online Request a Live Judge Training form

  2. Reach out directly to an IJRU Certified Judge Clinician and they can help you set up a training

We recommend that you request judge trainings well in advance so we can find a clinician available on the day of your training. All live trainings are dependent upon judge clinician availability. If we are unable to accommodate your request, we will work with you to find an alternative date.

In-person Live Training Requirements

If you are planning to host an in-person live training, here are a few things you’ll need:

  • Internet access at the training facility

  • Android or iOS device with RopeScore Judging added to the homescreen

  • A projector

  • Athletes for demonstrations (recommended)

  • To pay the travel and accommodation expenses of the judge clinician

Judge Clinicians

If you are a judge clinician and have been asked to run a live judge training course, you will have to complete the IJRU Live Training Registration form at least two weeks before the training. Once you’ve completed the form, you’ll be given a code to access the training materials. If you don’t complete the registration form, anyone who attended your course will not receive credit for the training.

Becoming a Judge Clinician

To become an IJRU certified judge clinician, you need to be a certified Level 3 IJRU judge in all of the disciplines and complete the IJRU Judge Clinician course. After completing all of the necessary trainings, the IJRU Technical Committee will select who will become a certified judge clinician. For more information, please contact us through email at tcom@ijru.org.