The IJRU rule book consists of three documents, the Judging Manual, the Competition Manual, and the Technical Manual. These three documents should be read together to get a full understanding of the rules.

For questions about the rules, email

Note: Versions marked with -draft haven’t yet been presented to the Technical Congress for their recommendation. Versions market with -pr have been send to the BoD for approval.

Version 4.2.0

The Rule Book is primarily available at but a PDF version is available in the IJRU Archive.

Important Update to Required Elements Scoring

10 February 2025 - The IJRU Technical Committee has identified and corrected an error in the interpretation and implementation of the Required Elements rule in both the Technical Manual and the judging app. This update ensures that scoring aligns with the intended rule definition. For full details on the correction and how it affects scoring, please read the official statement by clicking the button below:

Previous Versions

You can find previous versions of the IJRU rule book in the IJRU archive.