IJRU 2024 General Congress


Agenda Items coming soon

Joining the General Congress

The 2024 General Congress will be held on 12 October 2024 at 11:15 am UTC. You can find all information and links to all documents that will be discussed at the General Congress on this page.  The General Congress is a virtual meeting experience. Attendance at the General Congress is an NGB member’s duty. We hope that you will make every effort to be present and exercise your National Governing Body’s right to vote on the many important issues scheduled to come before the General Congress. 

Who May Attend the General Congress?

Full members, Provisional members and Observers who are in good standing, may send a maximum of two (2) duly appointed delegates to represent their country at the IJRU General Congress.  Continental Organisations may appoint up to (2) representatives to attend as observers at the GC.  Please note, the NGB must be in good standing (financial), have completed and returned the "Rights, Benefits and Duties" document, and successfully registered by the deadline for the GC.  Only those delegates certified via this Delegate Registration Form may attend. 

Who Can Vote at the General Assembly?

Each Full or Provisional member will have one (1) collective vote between their respective delegation. Only one (1) delegate will be given access to cast their country's vote. Please note, the voting delegate is “Delegate 1” in the registration form below. Further instructions will be provided to those registered as Delegate 1 after the registration deadline and prior to the start of GC.  A Full or Provisional member in good standing (financial), who has completed and returned the "Rights, Benefits and Duties" document, and successfully registered by the deadline for the GC will be eligible to vote at the General Assembly. Observer status are welcome to “observe” the proceedings of the GC.

Rules for the General Assembly

The IJRU Constitution will serve as the guiding rules and all business will take place in English. The admission of Interpreters to the GC, will require prior approval by completing the registration form by the deadline. IJRU will not supply translation services. Recording of the GC is not permitted. Live streaming the GC is currently being reviewed.  

Registration Deadline 

The deadline for NGB and delegate registration is 8 October 2024 at 11:59 pm UTC. Complete the NGB and delegate registration Form and submit a labeled headshot photo of all Delegates and Interpreters (if needed) to reserve space for Country and Continental Delegates at the GC. (*)Are required questions and must be answered to advance the document and complete registration. Only emails provided in the registration will help you gain access into General Congress. Changes may not be honored after the registration deadline.

Please send all questions regarding delegate registration to: [info@ijru.sport] 

Delegate Registration

Delegates can register via the this Delegate Registration Form

Working Documents

Will be posted in due course.