Athlete Council Voter Registration is Now Open

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Are you a competitive jump rope/rope skipping athlete? Voter registration is now open for the upcoming International Jump Rope Union Athlete Council Election. Make sure to register so you can have your voice heard. 

Members of the Athletes' Council will represent athletes within the sport. They support athletes in their sporting and non-sporting careers, and act as the cumulative athlete's voice to the IJRU Board of Directors.  

Register by May 28, 2021 

You need to register by May 28, 2021 to be eligible to vote during the upcoming election.  

Who is eligible to register and vote? 

You are eligible to vote if you: 

  • Are 16 years of age or older, 

  • Have competed in a past FISAC-IRSF or WJRF world championships or if you’ve qualified for the upcoming 2021 IJRU Virtual World Championships, 

  • Are a member in good standing with your National Governing Body 

Why should I register to vote? 

You must register in order to vote in the upcoming IJRU Athlete Council Elections. It is important for all eligible IJRU athletes to vote because: 

  • If you don't vote, you’ll let others make the decision about who will be the athlete representatives in the sport 

  • It gives you an opportunity to be a part of the decision-making that effects your sporting and non-sporting life on an international level.  

This committee will be liaising directly with IJRU to ensure that concerns of all athletes world-wide are addressed. As an IJRU athlete, you should care about who will be speaking on your behalf. 

Stay tuned 

We will be announcing the Athlete Council candidates in June 2021. Please check back for more information and make sure to get to know each of the candidates so you can make an informed decision. 

Complete the voter registration form